Blogging tips for beginners can really help you on your way to building your first blog online and earning an income from it. There is so much to getting started with a blog that it may be too overwhelming for beginner bloggers. So much to get started with, that it may be overwhelming to beginners as well. But, do not worry! I have you covered with 101 blogging tips for beginners. This will take you through all the steps required to get your blog up and running and earning you a living from it.

The first blogging tip I have for you is to choose a blogging topic that you enjoy writing about. This is a great way to find a topic that will bring in readers and start you down the path to a successful and long-term blog readership. A great way to find popular topics that other people are writing about is by using a plugin like FeedBurner. Just search for blog topics in the category of interest to you. For example, if you are interested in health, you would search for something like “blog for my love of health”. This will bring you a list of topics that are related to health and in some cases you may even find a niche within this broad topic that you would not have found without the use of a plugin like FeedBurner.

The second of the quick tips that I have for you is to pick a topic that has plenty of traffic going to it. The easiest way to determine this is to look at how popular the blog niche you are going into is. If there are tons of blogs in that niche, then there is obviously a lot of traffic going to it and a huge potential audience out there. So, if you want a blogging career, go for the big name brands. If you want to make a name for yourself as a blogger, you should start with a smaller niche within a larger niche. Either way you will find yourself with plenty of opportunities for future readership.